Why You’re Having Mental Blackouts: How Stress Impacts Your Memory

Illustration of a person experiencing memory loss with puzzle pieces missing from their head, symbolizing stress-related mental blackouts.

Do you ever find yourself struggling to recall what brought you to a certain room, why you’re putting your shoes on, or where you left your car keys? How about opening your mouth in a job interview, only to realize you can’t remember a single answer or example? Or racing to meet a deadline, then […]

Stress vs. Willpower: How Stress Makes Us Give In To Our Addictions

Coaching card illustration: a man leaning against a lamppost, highlighting addictions like alcohol and sugar as a stress response.

Maybe it’s the sweet, creamy taste of ice cream; the crunch of a sugar-laced cookie.Or a few more minutes of mindless scrolling on social media.Or perhaps it’s the siren call of that oaky, crisp, or rich-bodied wine and the relaxed feeling of settling back in a soft, relaxing armchair. We all have go-to comfort foods, […]

Openness, Eccentricity, and Stress: How Are They Related?

Illustration of a person in colorful clothing, representing eccentricity

Do you ever feel like breaking the mold—turning up to work in your most colorful clothes, or bursting into song at a stressful moment? We all react differently to triggers such as impending deadlines, long To-Do lists, or team tension. When things get monotonous or intense, one of these responses involves personal expression: channeling our […]

Why Stress Can Make You Jump To Conclusions

Illustration of a person jumping over the word conclusions with the text "Jumping to Conclusions."

Picture this: you’re in an important meeting, talking to a colleague, and perhaps discussing a recently completed project. Suddenly, a frown flashes across your co-worker’s face as you speak. What would your next move be? Would you ask her, “Why the frown?” Maybe “Is something on your mind?” Or would you fill in the mental […]

How Stress Causes All-Or-Nothing Thinking (& 3 Solutions)

Header image of coaching card about all-or-nothing thinking

Do you ever feel like your life is a rollercoaster of extremes with no happy medium? Maybe you’re feeling on top of the world one moment and you’re acing all your projects. Or, you’re messing up every opportunity to shine, never quite meeting your own or others’ expectations? “All-or-nothing” thinking, otherwise known as “black-or-white” thinking, […]