Waarom we belangrijke zaken minimaliseren

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man with a beard and a black suit looking down at a woman with a purple shirt and a man wearing a blue shirt that are half the size of the man in the black suit.

“Het is niets,” zeg je tegen je collega, “het had veel erger gekund!” De realiteit? Je voelt je totaal overweldigd, worstelt met een bomvolle inbox en een overboekte agenda. Hoewel er geen einde lijkt te komen aan je takenlijst, wijs je toch het hulpaanbod af. Dan komt er een telefoontje van je leidinggevende. Het team […]

It’s Not A Big Deal… Why Do We “Minimize” Things That Really Matter?

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man with a beard and a black suit looking down at a woman with a purple shirt and a man wearing a blue shirt that are half the size of the man in the black suit.

“I’m fine,” you tell your colleague, “honestly, it could be worse!” The truth is you’re exhausted, with an overflowing inbox and an agenda that couldn’t be any fuller. Your To-Do list is a mile long, yet you’re turning down his offer of help.  Your boss calls—the team wants someone to work overtime tonight. “I thought […]

Wat je niet wist over klagen en hoe je ermee kunt stoppen

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman with a purple shirt complaining and pointing at a piece of paper next to a tall man with a beard in a black suit.

Elke dag worden we geconfronteerd met kleine irritaties. Van een partner die de afwas uren laat weken tot een gemeente die een oogje dichtknijpt bij kuilen in de weg of een Wifi die uitvalt op cruciale momenten. Een beetje mopperen kan helpen om deze frustraties te verwerken. Zo blijkt dat we gemiddeld minstens drie keer […]

Healthy Conversations: The Key To Conflict Resolution

Two individuals engaged in a constructive conversation while sitting on a couch.

Avoiding conflict in a busy workplace can sometimes feel impossible.  Every team deals with unclear expectations, poor communication, personality clashes, differing interests, and organizational shake-ups…all ingredients for disagreement and going head-to-head.  So why do some teams come out of conflict stronger, more productive, and more motivated, while other groups dissolve into organizational silence, silos, and […]

What You Didn’t Know About Complaining & How To Stop

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman with a purple shirt complaining and pointing at a piece of paper next to a tall man with a beard in a black suit.

Does your partner leave the dishes to ‘soak,’ never to finish the job? Is the council deliberately turning a blind eye to those potholes? Is your Wifi spotty all the time, and especially when you need it most? If you’re like the average person, a little grumbling is often all it takes to feel better […]