Preaching Under Pressure: Why We Do It & 3 Better Ways To Manage Stress

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman in front of a blackboard with an equation on it.

You know those meetings where you feel like all you do is listen? You’d love to get a word in edgewise, but there’s one colleague who just…won’t stop? Maybe their monologue is about “the only way to do something right…” Or a never-ending speech about what will happen “…if we don’t use this exact software…” […]

Why We Refuse To Listen When We’re Stressed Out

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man in a black suit holding his hand up to stop a woman in a purple shirt from talking.

“You just don’t get it!”  “I’m not looking for your opinion…” Have you ever encountered these responses when you’re (just) trying to give helpful feedback? Defensiveness is an almost universal way in which we respond to stress. But here’s the tricky part—while we’re often quick to notice it in others, it’s even harder to notice […]

Cultivating Connection in Leadership: The Path to Humanizing Our Workplaces

Illustration of a female robot and a human woman holding a heart in her hands

Have you heard of “corporate short-termism?”  It’s the idea that many organizational leaders today are overly focused on bottom-line results and efficiency here and now, while “human” factors—which are essential for sustainability—take a back-row seat. That’s exactly the opposite of what we need as our world and business context becomes increasingly uncertain. Now, it’s more […]

The Thin Gray Line: Having Fun vs. Making Fun of Others

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man with dreadlocks laughing and pointing his finger ridiculing a woman who is standing with her back towards the man and with her head down.

Humor, jokes, and levity are important in everyday life. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, making it a super-healthy way to release the stress of everyday pressures.  It also has social advantages—making others laugh is a great way for us to bond with them while lightening up the work environment. Jokes are how we establish […]

Are You (Really) A Good Listener?


Do you want to know something shocking? At least, it was shocking to me. I recently analyzed the data for my Sphere of Influence research on how people use the twelve different interaction styles, and the results were a landslide. Of 6861 people surveyed, guess what the least used style was? You guessed it: Listen. […]