Are You Mr or Ms “Right All The Time?”
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a conversation where the other person just won’t give up? You know the drill: We’ve all been in situations where someone simply must prove their expertise or worth. They rarely end well, leading mostly to arguments, disagreements, and other unpleasant conflicts in the workplace. And let’s face it: […]
It’s All Your Fault! Understanding Blaming as a Response to Stress
“This is all your fault.” “I can’t trust you to do anything right.” “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be in this situation!” Have you ever started an argument, run out of patience, or pointed at someone else when things went frustratingly wrong? We all respond differently to tense or challenging situations, and accusing […]
Denial: A Defensive Response to Stress
Do you often shrug off big events, only to regret it later? Like an angry customer, conflicts at work, or the repercussions of your own mistakes? Or perhaps you put tasks on the backburner, telling yourself they’ll be fine when they’re really, really very urgent to deal with now? Being in denial is a classic […]
Mouse, or Elephant? Why Stress Makes Us Exaggerate
We all love a good story. They’re more entertaining than dry, hard facts, and sharing an interesting tale is a great way to bond with others. But do you ever catch yourself embellishing your narratives, expanding on them more and more with increasingly (fictional) detail? Like that small headache that became a migraine when you […]