Stress vs. Willpower: How Stress Makes Us Give In To Our Addictions

Coaching card illustration: a man leaning against a lamppost, highlighting addictions like alcohol and sugar as a stress response.

Maybe it’s the sweet, creamy taste of ice cream; the crunch of a sugar-laced cookie.Or a few more minutes of mindless scrolling on social media.Or perhaps it’s the siren call of that oaky, crisp, or rich-bodied wine and the relaxed feeling of settling back in a soft, relaxing armchair. We all have go-to comfort foods, […]

Crying: A Natural Stress Buster (And Why It Makes Us Feel Better) 

Rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man on his knees with hands in his face and tears around his face

Have you ever felt like laughing with relief after a solid sobbing session? Or “had a good cry” and felt better about that argument, mistake, or insult?  It turns out there’s a lot to be said for the simple act of crying. Many of us are taught that it’s a sign of weakness or something […]