Hoe stress leidt tot alles-of-niets denken (en drie oplossingen)

Header afbeelding van coachingkaart over alles-of-niets-denken

Heb je soms het gevoel dat je heen en weer geslingerd wordt tussen uitersten? De ene dag lijkt alles op rolletjes te lopen en heb je alles onder controle. De volgende dag gaat alles mis en vraag je je af waarom het ‘nooit’ lukt om aan de verwachtingen van jezelf of anderen te voldoen. Dit […]

How Stress Causes All-Or-Nothing Thinking (& 3 Solutions)

Header image of coaching card about all-or-nothing thinking

Do you ever feel like your life is a rollercoaster of extremes with no happy medium? Maybe you’re feeling on top of the world one moment and you’re acing all your projects. Or, you’re messing up every opportunity to shine, never quite meeting your own or others’ expectations? “All-or-nothing” thinking, otherwise known as “black-or-white” thinking, […]

What You Didn’t Know About Complaining & How To Stop

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman with a purple shirt complaining and pointing at a piece of paper next to a tall man with a beard in a black suit.

Does your partner leave the dishes to ‘soak,’ never to finish the job? Is the council deliberately turning a blind eye to those potholes? Is your Wifi spotty all the time, and especially when you need it most? If you’re like the average person, a little grumbling is often all it takes to feel better […]

Stress en Schuld: Waarom We Onder Druk met de Vinger Wijzen?

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of two men pointing fingers at each other, blaming each other.

“Dit is allemaal jouw schuld.”  “Ik kan er niet op vertrouwen dat je het goed doet.”  “Als jij je er niet mee bemoeid had, zaten we nu niet in deze situatie!” Heb je ooit iemand beschuldigd, je geduld verloren of een discussie gestart wanneer dingen behoorlijk mis gingen? We reageren allemaal anders op de mislukking […]

Why You Pick Fights When You’re Stressed Out

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man boxing.

One moment you and your partner are discussing where to eat, and the next, you’re angrily defending your dietary choices. Does that sound familiar?   Or perhaps you’re embarrassed about how poorly you wrote that last report when your colleague says, “Great job.”   “You try writing 5000 words at midnight, genius!” you snap…before realizing they weren’t […]