Why Stress Can Make You Jump To Conclusions

Illustration of a person jumping over the word conclusions with the text "Jumping to Conclusions."

Picture this: you’re in an important meeting, talking to a colleague, and perhaps discussing a recently completed project. Suddenly, a frown flashes across your co-worker’s face as you speak. What would your next move be? Would you ask her, “Why the frown?” Maybe “Is something on your mind?” Or would you fill in the mental […]

When Stress Makes You Go Quiet

Graphic showing a person with a bandaid over their mouth, flanked by two others offering support, symbolizing silence induced by stress

Do you ever struggle to express your thoughts and emotions when you’re under pressure? Or find yourself giving short, minimal answers to avoid potentially stressful discussions? Perhaps you can recall a time when you felt like yelling inside, but instead, you clammed up and became silent while your mind was racing? Withdrawing into silence is […]