Cultivating Connection in Leadership: The Path to Humanizing Our Workplaces

Have you heard of “corporate short-termism?” It’s the idea that many organizational leaders today are overly focused on bottom-line results and efficiency here and now, while “human” factors—which are essential for sustainability—take a back-row seat. That’s exactly the opposite of what we need as our world and business context becomes increasingly uncertain. Now, it’s more […]
Dominos No More: Ending The Knock-On Effects of Stress

Picture this: you’re sitting at your computer, working away quietly, when your colleague Toby storms past. He slams a huge pile of papers marked “URGENT” on his desk, picks up the phone, and starts barking at another colleague, Yolande, in Accounting: “I HATE when you do ABC…I’ve got enough on my plate right now!” How […]