Emotional Overwhelm: What To Do When You Have Too Much On Your Plate

Person on their knees with one hand on their head and one hand in the air, showing overwhelmed feeling

At times, it’s easy to feel like you’ve got too much to handle. You may start with a clean plate—with little to worry about—but for each new challenge or task you encounter, a little weight is added to it. This is manageable at first, but the pressure on you grows as the stressors accumulate. Maybe […]

Holding Grudges Is Stressful: 3 Ways To Foster Forgiveness

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman in a purple shirt walking angrily with her arms backward, fists, and a small thundercloud above her head.

We’ve all done things that hurt others, and we’ve all been wronged before. But while some painful experiences are over and done with, others stick with us for the long haul and cause a lot more stress than they need to. Perhaps it was a workplace disagreement where a colleague took credit for your work.  […]

What You Didn’t Know About Complaining & How To Stop

Perspective rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a woman with a purple shirt complaining and pointing at a piece of paper next to a tall man with a beard in a black suit.

Does your partner leave the dishes to ‘soak,’ never to finish the job? Is the council deliberately turning a blind eye to those potholes? Is your Wifi spotty all the time, and especially when you need it most? If you’re like the average person, a little grumbling is often all it takes to feel better […]

Feeling Unwell? It Might Not Be What You Think

Rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a girl with a magenta blanket who feels ill

Are you getting a fever? Did you eat something funny? Or are your symptoms the result of something else entirely? It’s often hard to tell when stress is why you feel unwell, but it happens to more people than you’d think. Sometimes it’s obvious, such as dizziness before a first date or nausea when you […]

The Downsides of Doing Too Much: Why Multitasking Is Stressful

Rendering of a playing card with an illustration of a man with his six arms doing many things at the same time.

Imagine working calmly on your latest project, when the phone rings on your desk.   “Bad news,” your teammate tells you down the line, “your client needs that work by tomorrow, I’m afraid–a whole week earlier than we had planned.”   You’re stressed out and slightly panicked. But how do you react?  Do you continue as you […]