Waarom we weigeren te luisteren als we gestrest zijn

“Je snapt het gewoon niet!” “Had ik jouw mening gevraagd?” Kreeg je weleens dergelijke reacties toen je eigenlijk alleen maar behulpzaam wilde zijn? Stress maakt ons vaak defensief; een reactie die we bij anderen snel herkennen, maar bij onszelf moeilijker zien. Jezelf afsluiten voor feedback of anders gezegd ‘weigeren te luisteren’ is een manier waarop […]
Why We Refuse To Listen When We’re Stressed Out

“You just don’t get it!” “I’m not looking for your opinion…” Have you ever encountered these responses when you’re (just) trying to give helpful feedback? Defensiveness is an almost universal way in which we respond to stress. But here’s the tricky part—while we’re often quick to notice it in others, it’s even harder to notice […]
Cultivating Connection in Leadership: The Path to Humanizing Our Workplaces

Have you heard of “corporate short-termism?” It’s the idea that many organizational leaders today are overly focused on bottom-line results and efficiency here and now, while “human” factors—which are essential for sustainability—take a back-row seat. That’s exactly the opposite of what we need as our world and business context becomes increasingly uncertain. Now, it’s more […]
Are You (Really) A Good Listener?

Do you want to know something shocking? At least, it was shocking to me. I recently analyzed the data for my Sphere of Influence research on how people use the twelve different interaction styles, and the results were a landslide. Of 6861 people surveyed, guess what the least used style was? You guessed it: Listen. […]
The Downsides of Doing Too Much: Why Multitasking Is Stressful

Imagine working calmly on your latest project, when the phone rings on your desk. “Bad news,” your teammate tells you down the line, “your client needs that work by tomorrow, I’m afraid–a whole week earlier than we had planned.” You’re stressed out and slightly panicked. But how do you react? Do you continue as you […]