Can Some Influencing Strengths Do More Harm Than Good?
Leveraging our strengths is a powerful way to grow, increase our impact, and collaborate more effectively with those around us. Working regularly with team trainers and coaches, I know how good it feels to see individuals score highly on certain SOI 360 Influencing Styles. For example, styles that are central to their roles or styles […]
What is “Coaching Up”? How To Coach Your Boss
Do you ever feel like you could perform better, learn faster, or realize your potential more successfully…if you only had a little more from your manager or leader? As brilliant as they may be at their jobs, leaders are (also) humans and not necessarily great at everything. Maybe your boss could follow through more often, […]
Dominos No More: Ending The Knock-On Effects of Stress
Picture this: you’re sitting at your computer, working away quietly, when your colleague Toby storms past. He slams a huge pile of papers marked “URGENT” on his desk, picks up the phone, and starts barking at another colleague, Yolande, in Accounting: “I HATE when you do ABC…I’ve got enough on my plate right now!” How […]
Trainers: Here’s How To Know Your Group Dynamics In Advance
As a trainer, there’s always a feeling of nervous excitement before you find out who you’ll be working with in a new group. It’s not at all unusual to feel a bit jittery about encountering peoples’ first reactions. How likely are they to show resistance, or will they take a wait-and-see attitude? Do they need […]