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Personal Development Test

Would you like to know how your team members score on a test that assesses their personal development? Accelerate personal development within your organization by taking our test.

Illustration of a woman holding a sprouting plant indicating personal development

Test personal development within your team

Our Sphere of influence 360° test generates a personal profile for each team member that will help people discover their strengths and pitfalls. The test is partly based on a proven concept: Leary’s Rose.

Identify the need for personal development with our Sphere of Influence 360° test

Start today with your employees’ personal development using our test results, plus the concrete tips and tools that our report provides. Each person filling out the test will receive a personal profile that indicates their strengths and triggers, giving them valuable insight into their impact within the team.

Every team member has their own way of communicating. Awareness of this helps them adapt their personal style to others, improving their individual effectiveness and the effectiveness of their team. Discussing the results of the personal profile test with each one another is a great way for teams to develop.

Would you like to increase personal development and strengthen connections within your team? Then teambuilding might be very helpful. Can you use some assistance with this? We are always ready to brainstorm and help you out!

Register today

Stop waiting and register your organization today to take the test directly. The sooner you can use our personal profiles, the sooner you can accelerate your team members’ personal development.

Would you like to know more about how the test works?

Please fill out the contact form to get started, or call +31 – (0)6 – 43 28 60 79 You can also send an email to nicolien@sphereofinfluence360.com.