Dealing with stress more effectively

How do you react under pressure? Which signals do you recognize?

We all have developed our own ways of coping successfully with stressful situations. To protect ourselves and hide our insecurity. Some might react irritated or sarcastic in an exciting situation, where others remains too nice or tries to hide their discomfort by giggling nervously or talking too quickly.

To discover the reactions to stressful situations of your clients, coachees, participants, employees, or yourself in a very accessible way, we have developed the coaching cards; Stress! Do you recognize the signs?. Using the 50 beautifully illustrated coaching cards enables you to quickly identify your protection mechanisms. Use of the provided exercise included in the card deck, or with the help of the exercises you’ll find here on the website to get started more effectively with stressful situations.

Illustratie van een man met puzzelstukjes rond zijn hoofd, symboliserend tijdelijk geheugenverlies door stress.

Card of the month

Experiencing memory loss

Do you ever find yourself struggling to recall what brought you to a certain room, why you’re putting your shoes on, or where you left your car keys?

How about opening your mouth in a job interview, only to realize you can’t remember a single answer or example? 

Call them blackouts, mental blanks, or what you will, we’ve all experienced those moments where our memory fails us completely. Where your brain feels like it’s been completely wiped clean, and you’re left wondering what happened to all of that information.

These memory losses can be highly frustrating, and they happen to the best of us. But…why?

Don't have your deck of Stress! cards yet?

You can get them in our store.

Stress Cards Exercises

Pale pink circle with splatters around it an the words Stress - Do you recognize the signs

How to use the

(Coaching and counseling)

Pale pink circle with splatters around it an the words Stress - Do you recognize the signs

Listen to your

(Coaching and counseling)

Pale pink circle with splatters around it an the words Stress - Do you recognize the signs

Break your response to stress

(Coaching and counseling)

You can find more exercises on our ever growing cards of the week page or on our blog. The posts include three exercises specific to that card.

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